What is Tyche

Tyche is the world's first inscription-driven NFT dividend gaming platform. It combines the rare characteristics of inscriptions with NFT and adds luck-based gameplay, which is innovative and outstanding. As a digital asset, inscriptions are immutable and scarce, increasing their collection value. In the NFT dividend game, inscription NFT is not only the object of transactions between players, but also a way for players to obtain game profits. The NFT dividend lucky game uses the decentralized, transparent, and non-tamperable characteristics of the blockchain to modify the inscription-driven game through lucky gameplay that cannot be based on blockchain technology, which represents the innovative application of this blockchain technology in games. bringing a new gaming experience to players, while also bringing new business models and monetization opportunities to games and investors.

Main features

1. Inscription: The t0tal number of inscription codes (tych) is 120,000, deployed on the MAP Protocol chain

2 .Tyche NFT: The total amount of NFT minted is 5,000. After holding and pledging, you can participate in the dividends of the NFT dividend pool.

3. Market: The decentralized market provides a secure platform for users to buy, sell and trade NFTs

4. prize pools: We will set up a huge prize pool and NFT dividend pool for players

5. Lottery: Players can draw prizes from the huge bonus pool through lottery

6 .Earn money together: This feature promotes community collaboration and enables users to team up and earn digital tokens together feature

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